December 2006
Hello Intercessors, PEACE ON EARTH
He is the Prince of Peace, the Mighty God, the Wonderful Counsellor,
The Everlasting Father
There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace
Isaiah 9: 6 and 7 Christmas 2006
I am sending this email to let you know our holiday schedule and some of our family happenings. We don't often write about our family, but we have a big one (5 kids and the 10th grandchild on the way) and lots is happening. It is our twin ministry from God (PGHOP and our family, are the twins) I felt God was saying to me, to let our group know some of the things we are going through, that you can pray for us more knowledgeably. As intercessory leaders, we also need prayer covering. I know many of you carry us faithfully, and we thank you so much for that. One of the things happening right now, is one of our sons, Steve, and his wife Grace and family of four little ones (Donivin 3 and 1/2, Ivan 2 and 1/2, twins Stefanie and Samantha, 17 months) are preparing to go back to Africa (Harare, Zimbabwe) in February. God is calling them back to His work there. We have been privileged to have them near us while they have had their children and to build bonds with these precious little ones. Now God said it is time. I was expecting this to happen sooner or later. We were all surprised by God that it happened as soon as it did and it is definitely God moving. I have added a link to watch a video of Steve sharing their vision. There is a choice of a 4 minute video or a 10 minute one. We are asking for you to remember them in prayer as God puts them on your hearts. A year ago or so, Bill Yount, prophesied the prophecy at the bottom of this newsletter. ( I hope this prophecy is a blessing to all you mom's and dad's, grandpa's and grandma's. This word was such an encouragement to us as we have had 6 wonderful grandchildren born to us within 3 years and now another one is on the way....these are suddenlies. We have three older ones who are very precious to us, but then it all of a sudden when I read this word, I thought "YES!!!" )
And now, we are seeing this being fulfilled already...four little ones shot to the nation of Zimbabwe. They arrived very quickly, twins this prophetic word says!! And now they are on their way to the nations. We are willing to let them go into the next stage of God's purposes, as they are first His, for His purposes. The site of the video clips of Steve and Grace are then when it opens, click on the second Kostamo/Africa file for the 4 minute clip, and on Steve/Africa for the 10 minute one. Moses and Mitra, who made the video clip, and whose business made the website for PGHOP ( - design by Martin Murtonen), had their fourth baby October 5th. They have four children: Melody 13, Mattie, almost 10, Megan 8, and the new baby, Moriah. Mitra, together with Elaine Ziemer and Jane Ramsey, are going to facilitate the Children's Encountering God track that we are starting in January here at PGHOP. Ben and Val and Arianna (19 months). who pastor and are ambulance attendants in Tumbler Ridge, announced that another baby is also on the way!! Number 10 for us!! Hallelujah! They also work with 180 Youth here in Northern BC Helena works at Miracle Channel, assistant to Paul Arthur of Insight program. She floor directs, does the streeter interviews, is segment producer, and does other admin. Plus plays on the Miracle Praise Band, and has developed the dance ministry and dance studio there. Keziah is in Australia attending LaTrobe University, carrying on with her studies in Hospitality Administration. She is doing this leg of her training there (her third year) because the Lord spoke Australia through a dream, and clear confirmations....including her professor from PG emailing her in Denver a few weeks after this dream and asking her if she was interested in doing the next part of her schooling in Australia. (she was in Denver doing her internship at Hyatt Regency when she had the dream). God spoke to us years ago to pray for our kids and to train them in the way THEY should go....that is seeking God to find out what HIS plan is for each of them...what did He design them for. We have endeavoured to do that, and have watched the diversity of their callings develop and unfold, and also watched how they connect and overlap with each other at times in their Moses making the video for Steve. Sometimes Helena has come up to PG and has helped Moses with his business and she loves to dive in with her nephews and nieces. Keziah became nanny at Steve and Grace's house for several months when the twins were born, as Donivin was not even 2 yet, and Ivan not even 1....It was a BUSY household;: Ben is pastoral and caring, supporting with prayer and encouragement. And then everyone pitches in together during times like 180 Youth. They pray for each other, and cheer each other on. We are very grateful to see what God is doing in our kids lives and also in your lives....our extended family. Just, this time, God said to let you know about our family. We covet your prayers. Steve and Grace are also planning a quick trip to the Filipines in January, to help Grace's parents. Her dad had a serious bout of illness a couple of months ago and is recovering. This is a trip before they head out to Zimbabwe. Grandma Marja will be here looking after their 4 kids. DECEMBER SCHEDULE AND EVENTS:
Tuomo and I are heading for Australia to visit our youngest daughter, who moved there to go to university in the state of Victoria. I did some of my growing up in Australia (for 5 years of my life), so have always felt a tugging to go back...This is the time. So we are heading out for three weeks from December 5 to December 26.We will be closing PGHOP during the evenings from after December 8th (Friday will be the last evening meeting until the New Year). Often there are a lot of Christmas events and outreaches, and we want you to take time to enjoy family and friends, and use this time to reach out to neighbours, and friends to bring them to these events.PGHOP is available to you during business hours...CD's will be left out for you to play as you desire.
2. Team of 8 Youth Leaders/ Young Adult Leaders/ Parent and Youth Going to the ONE THING Conference in Kansas City, December 28 - 31.
3. Children's Encountering God Track starting in January.
....From Sea To Sea....worshipping and praying over our nation through the time zones starting at 7:45 pm through to midnight. Guests feature: Dick and Joan Dewert, Faytene Kryskow, Craig Buroker, Rob and Fran Parker, Len Zoeteman, Bill and Gwen Prankard, and guest musician Greg Sczebel along with Ryan and Alyssa and Miracle Praise Band. Food and fellowship...Tuomo and I want to say thank you to all you faithful intercessors, and also welcome those that want to come and see the PGHOP for the first time. Come stay for the the evening or drop in for a while. Here is the prophecy: April 28, 2005
"I HEARD THE 'MAN OF WAR' SHOUTING, 'LOAD THE CANNONS WITH CHILDREN AND AIM FOR THE NATIONS!'" by Bill Yount, Steve Shultz : Apr 28, 2005 [email protected] :
April 28, 2005
FROM THE DESK OF STEVE SHULTZ: Throughout biblical and recorded history, whenever God was about to do something big in revival and the restoration and rescue of His people, the enemy tried to take out the babies being born, from which these "deliverers" would come. He, the enemy, tried to thwart the delivery of deliverers.For that reason, even though this prophecy is certain and every "deliverer" WAS born (Moses, Jesus, and since 1973/Roe V. Wade . . . many deliverers), please pray for all those who are NOW pregnant that their babies will NOT be lost, that their pregnancies will be healthy and come to FULL TERM.
There is yet another "crop" of deliverers about to be born.Blessings to you and to yours and our babies, Steve and Derene Shultz THE ELIJAH LIST P.S. Please pray for the grandparents to be prepared for this large new influx of babies. Many grandparents will be needed to care for such a large number of growing and being-born "deliverers." BABY ALERT: HELL TREMBLES AT LIFE IN THE WOMB . . . FOR IT SEALS HIS DOOM! Bill Yount
Exodus 15:3 "The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name." KJV Recently, while ministering, I saw children as though they were being shot out of cannons, like cannon balls, flying into nations! I sensed the Lord saying, "There will be a proverb in the earth in the days to come: 'This is how the West was won! This is how the East was won. This is how the North and South gave up and surrendered to the kingdom of God . . . ' Those 'Cannon Balls!' Balls of Fire coming out of wombs, nurseries, and children's churches!" WOMBS, NURSERIES, AND CHILDREN'S CHURCHES WERE TURNING INTO AMMUNITION DEPOTS WHERE SPIRITUAL WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION WERE BEING BUILT! I saw God's fire igniting inside of wombs, nurseries, and children's Sunday school classes. It was not normal Sunday anymore . . . it was SON-DAY! CHURCH IN THE WOMB!
"And it came to pass, that when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe [John the Baptist] leaped in her womb for joy; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost!"
Luke 1:41 KJV I sense once again many wombs will experience babies not only kicking but leaping with such joy, filling mothers with the Holy Ghost! Babies will be born crying, "Abba, Daddy . . . Give me the nations!""TWINS WILL BE 'DOUBLE' TROUBLE FOR THE DEVIL!"There will be multiplied anointings upon babies. Twins will be born with a double portion anointing that will be multiplied in the Spirit. One will chase a thousand . . . but two will put ten thousand to flight! Triplets, and so on, will surprise the enemy with dynamite power that cannot be reckoned with. "A three-fold cord cannot easily be broken!"
"'SUDDENLY' SURPRISE BABIES WILL SURPRISE MANY PARENTS. BUT THESE BABIES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN IN MY PLANS!"Remember, if you suddenly discover you are expecting a child when you weren't expecting it . . . the Father has kept it a secret, and unplanned by you, so He could spring a greater surprise on the enemy, putting him in "shock and awe"! If you want to laugh like Sarah laughed, just wait until you hear God's plans -- and you will laugh like Sarah laughed!I hear the "man of war" shouting louder . . . "It's time to release My weapons of mass destruction against the enemy! Load the cannons with children and aim for the nations!""Ready - Aim - Fire!"Bill Yount Blowing the Shofar Ministries [email protected] God Bless you all, Marja |
We would encourage all
to browse through our archived newsletters.
Please take the time to remind yourselves of God's words for both Prince George and Canada as a whole. Archived Newsletters
Prophetic Words for Prince George